Thursday, September 14, 2023

Pathetic Pete

Some people are born incompetent, some achieve incompetence, and some have incompetence thrust upon them. Behold, the triple-whammy! "Pete Buttigieg Struggles to Find Reliable Electric Vehicle Charger".


  1. Well, he can always use his bicycle, right?

    Oh, wait. He still needs a car to get his bicycle to where he wants to ride it, doesn't he?

  2. he, as Sec of Transportation, like the Secretary of Energy, probably has an advance team in gas powered Suburbans or Tahoes to find and save spots for him (and if they had any sense, would carry a gas powered generator and/or a tow bar)

  3. “Imagine what it would be like if you couldn’t be sure when you pulled into a gas station that you’d actually get gas out of it,” he added. “This is about making sure that access to charging is as reliable as access to fuel is today for gas cars, and we know that that’s not just a question of quantity but also one of quality.”

    Many people don't have to imagine that, Secretary BootyJuice. You'd know that if your cranium wasn't inserted into your anus.

  4. Um, I'll take "What was the result of Jimmy Carter's gas rationing" for 100, Alex.

  5. I remember those jimmy carter gas lines, that's why I cast my first vote fo Reagan.

  6. Terrible time, as I recall. I recall the desperate search for green flags outside of gas stations, which indicated fuel was available. I also remember some places limiting purchases to five gallons. And several times, I parked in a long line of cars that would be parked overnight outside a gas station, sometimes running for a hundred yards or more alongside the shoulder of a busy road.
