Friday, September 29, 2023

What's the diagnosis, Professor?

 "Vell, I hate to tell you ziss, but your society is vhat is technically called 'nuts'."

The Cluster B society.


  1. Well... a quick glance at social media will leave the impression that it's run by and for Cluster B people. But then again, so will a short examination of politics and the national media.

  2. I've thought for a long time that the rise of social media is what allowed these nut jobs to find each other and to form the loud, anarchic blobs that are ruining society. Until people wake up and see them for what they are, we won't get back to sanity at all, because right now the inmates are running the asylum.

  3. New word for the day: Pathocracy

    For evidence it's here, just look at the current White House.

    And the inmates are not just running the asylum, they've escaped the asylum and are taking over normal society.

  4. I prefer the more precise term Cluster F--- Society.

  5. Yep, a very good analysis of how The Crazy Years came to be.

  6. I shared this with a friend, who commented "He could've just said the lunatics are running the insane asylum."

    True enough.
