Sunday, September 10, 2023

When you've lost David Hogg...

Update and bumped  New Mexico Criminals Excited To Hear No One Will Be Armed For Entire Month.

"David Hogg Blasts New Mexico Governor’s Ban on Concealed Carry".

New Mexico's Governor is getting no support from the District Attorney or the sheriff of the relevant county. 

Of course, using a "public health emergency" to suspend constitutional liberties is definitely an important tactic in the Left's totalitarian toolbox. Look for more of this - a lot more.

Gateway Pundit helpfully reminds us of Governor Grisham's "liberal" use of public funds during the pandemic: "Flashback: NM Governor Michelle Grisham Caught Using Taxpayer Money to Pay for Her Groceries, Whiskey and Tequila".

Hah! The (mezcal) worm turns...

Update  See how the natural lizard face is beginning to show through the mask? Giver her another five minutes, and I bet she'll be swallowing live rats.


  1. "The Constitution is like a bus. When you reach your destination, you get off."

    -- Thomas Jefferson

    Dunno what the big deal is. So she swore an oath to support the Constitution? Yeah, so what? Just words, man... and actions speak louder. I don't get what the big deal is about the Bill of Suggestions. Obviously a really big emergency overrides anybody's so-called "Civil Rights."

  2. Maybe they should be called civil hall passes.

  3. Maybe the Texas governor could use "public health emergency" to stop the illegals crossing the border.

    Seems more reasonable than what the NM governor is doing.

  4. Nice dentistry, Governor.
    This video also features a toxic female Democrat.

    Night of The Living Pelosi!

    Whatever happened to John Dennis?

  5. Kurt Schlichter now refers to her as Gov. Stalin Grisham. Fits, doesn't it?

  6. Fascist b**ch. Stalin would be proud.

  7. Kurt Schlichter now refers to her as Gov. Stalin Grisham. Fits, doesn't it?

    Like a new pair of jackboots.
