Thursday, October 5, 2023


"Every state is now a border state".

Our government - and our self-appointed elite - are not just radical and corrupt, they're schizophrenic.

Of course, James Biden, Joe's even dumber brother, is an active member of the Biden crime family: "James Biden’s Role In The Biden Access-For-Hire Operation Shows It Was A Family Affair". Btw, I remember when a massive upgrading and remodeling project was carried out in the headquarters of my old agency during the Obama era. One of the construction companies involved was an outfit which James Biden either owned, or had an interest in. The project, as I recollect, extended way beyond its originally-contemplated completion period. Just sayin'...

Soooo, what can we expect to see? Some exciting new dance steps? Amazing hacks for removing grease stains from clothes? Pet voiceovers in Spanish? "In an unexpected move, Venezuelan communist dictator Nicolás Maduro has instructed key members of his authoritarian regime to join the Chinese social media platform TikTok."

Panicked McCarthy Looks For Fire Alarm

I've posted this video before, I believe, but, unfortunately, it seems to be increasingly germane. Ellsworth Tooey (played by the marvelous Robert Douglas) is the manipulative collectivist intellectual in the film version of Ayn Rand's novel, The Fountainhead, and he reveals the simple rationale behind the efforts of every totalitarian movement. "One neck, ready for one leash" - an astoundingly telling phrase.

Here's more Ellsworth Tooey, fanning the flames of radical collectivist hysteria.


  1. We visited Bemidji, MN on our last RV road trip. It's a pretty isolated rural area located near the headwaters of the Mississippi, and I had no idea illegals would be found there, but I guess they're everywhere now. My point is, why were they put there? There can't be many job opportunities, not that that's a selling point anyway for illegals. Was it to keep them out of sight, out of mind? How many other out of the way communities are being used this way?

  2. Just as an off topic aside, the Mississippi River at Bemidji flows out of a lake connected to waters coming out of Canada, and the river is about as wide as a kitchen table and shallow enough to wade across. I have photos. There's a nice museum (we weren't allowed in at the time because of COVID), and a lot of nice hiking trails in case anybody decides to visit.

  3. I hope you waded it. That way, you could truthfully tell the grandkids about the time you swam across the Mississippi River!

  4. Regarding the Biden construction connection, Paco - Breitbart reports that Foggy Groper is doing a southern border backflip and building some wall.

    Another ten percent for the big guy?

  5. You know, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if the Resident did, in fact, get a slice of the profits, somewhere, somehow.

  6. In far northern NYS, the Hudson is a small stream.
    I walked across it just to say I did.
    It's a mile wide south of Albany where I gre up.

  7. Paco, my husband actually did wade across the Mississippi, right at the spot where the lake empties into the river. I had the dog who objected to getting wet.

  8. Good for him. He crossed the mighty Mississippi under his own steam.

    I think it would be so cool to see the source. And you all did it!
