Thursday, October 5, 2023

How about if we let the dog stay, and ban the "big guy"?

"Joe Biden’s Dog, Commander, Banned from White House After Series of Biting Incidents".

I bet the dog is at least housebroken.


  1. Like Major, Commander will probably go to people who will give him (her?) the love, attention, and proper training the Bidens can't be bothered to give. Passing the dog from handler to handler on a daily basis is probably why it bites people. Dogs like routine and normality and the same people day after day, and Commander probably wasn't getting that.

  2. There are no bad dogs, only bad owners. Is anybody surprised that Joe and Jill Biden have had a series of uncontrollable vicious dogs?

    I think it's long past time we send Joe to... uh, live on a farm in the country.

  3. I think it's long past time we send Joe to...uh, live on a farm in the country.

    One of those with bars on the windows, and tall fences around it would be ideal.

    And the first time his son visits him...don't let him leave.

  4. I think he should be sent to Animal Farm and kept in a stall next to Boxer the horse.

    Driver of the glue factory truck: 'ere, what about this one?

    Assistant: 'e's not on the list, mate.

    Driver: Yeh, but lookut'im! Spavined, withers leanin' to one side, them ribs makin' 'is barrel look like a sprung mattress. I sez, let's take 'im along.

    Assistant: Orright. There's room for two. Boxer and...hmm...Boxer an' friend.
