Thursday, October 19, 2023


A North Carolina congressman, Speaker Pro Tempore Patrick McHenry, appears to be at the heart of a plot to keep the GOPe in charge: "Elise Stefanik ‘Strongly’ Opposes Patrick McHenry as Acting Speaker, Supports Jim Jordan".

The guy represents a district that consists primarily of the Charlotte suburbs. Also, he wears a bow tie. So...



  1. Nasty Pelosi is all for electing him Speaker. Which tells you what kind of Speaker he would be.

  2. I've finally gotten around to reading the late Angelo Codevilla's book, The Ruling Class, and one statistic he quotes early on is particularly telling: in polls (at the time of the writing of the book), 75% of Democratic voters opined that they were generally well represented; however, only 25% of Republican voters felt this way. The leaders, and even many of the "drones", in the Republican Party have simply been co-opted by the ruling class (which inherently favors big and intrusive government) and are supported pretty much grudgingly and as the lesser of two evils by Republican voters who strongly prefer constitutional government and restraints on the power of the state. This is not tenable over the long term.

    The GOP will either undergo an internal revolution, or it will die.
