Saturday, October 7, 2023

Looks like that $6 billion Biden gave to Iran really paid off

Ace has the story (under a flaming skull headline) of a massive terrorist attack by Iranian proxy, Hamas, against Israel. Rockets, murder in the streets, the whole works. May God give Israel the strength to smash the foe.


  1. looks like it's just another fiery, but mostly peaceful protest...

  2. And a State Dept spox is all over the Twitsters furious that disinformators are disinforming people about that $6B being used to fund this. Nuh-uh, she says. That money can only be used for humanitarian stuff, not for terrorist stuff. Biden and Blinken specifically told them that.

    So suck it, wingnuts!

  3. I know this sounds like a Babylon Bee headline, but here's my prediction of Biden's reaction to the naysayers: Biden pledges another 6 billion to Iran to prove Iran didn't give the first 6 billion to Hamas!

  4. When Israel smashes Gaza to ragged little pieces, get ready for another influx of Palestinian "asylum" seekers.
