Friday, October 6, 2023


 Looks like I'd better get ready to harvest my cotton crop.

Shouldn't take too long.

I'm carrying on the family tradition (in an infinitesimally small way). Old Paco and his father and brothers were cotton farmers; I believe Old Paco even won a local cotton-picking contest one time. During the Great Depression, times were mighty hard for them, and a couple of the kids had to be farmed out to relatives because there wasn't enough to eat. I think what really saved the family from destitution was WWII, because Grandpa Paco got a job as a machinist with the big aluminum plant in Badin, NC. The family continued to farm on a small scale, however, growing corn and green beans and tomatoes and cantaloupes. Old Paco always dreamed, as a child, of buying the big cotton field from his father and building a house on the ridge behind it - which is exactly what he did, many years later. Picking cotton must have been a hell of a lot of hard work, but Old Paco always spoke of it with pride and even something resembling fondness.


  1. So when people call you a cotton pickin blogger, that's a compliment?

  2. I take it as such, yes.

    Btw, with today's market price closing at 5 cents an ounce, I don't believe I'm even going to get a nickel's worth, so I guess I'm what you might call a gentleman cotton farmer.

  3. Paco Enterprises Cotton Farm
    Our motto: Quality over quantity!

  4. gonna jump down turn around pick a tuft of cotton...

  5. gonna jump down turn around pick a tuft of cotton

    And that will pretty much take care of the whole crop.

  6. Well I wish I was in the land of cotton
    Old times there are not forgotten
    Look away, look away
    Look away...

    So many great old melodies on that theme.

    For all that the young like to connect us postwar generation with the radicals of mid-century, we in fact are a living link to the distant past. We grew up with the songs and books from previous centuries which our grandparents did.
