Monday, October 16, 2023

Thanks, duck lips, I think we could have figured that out on our own

"FBI director warns of rise in terror threats against Americans, potential copy-cat attacks on US soil".

"Of course, our biggest concern - *quack!* -  is that this might play into the hands of Catholics and the parents of children in public schools, turning bingo halls into terrorist war rooms and school board meetings into powder kegs of insurrection. *Quaaaaack, quack, quack!*"

Update  As it turns out, Wray's first guesstimate was "no problem": "FBI Reverses".


  1. Can you imagine being a US-faithful rank and file FBI agent who joined because he thought he would be doing good having to work for this guy Wray, who gives clowns a bad name? The sales of Tums and Prilosec must be soaring around FBI agencies.

  2. I hope, someday, there is a genuine investigation into how the brass at the FBI have been running the outfit. I'm thinking there would probably be a not insignificant number of whistleblowers.

  3. The FBI knows all about threats to Americans.
    Threatening Americans has become their specialty.
