Thursday, October 26, 2023

We should abhor the possibility of another Kristallnacht

Did I say "possibility"? I mean the unfolding actuality: "Anti-Semitic Nuts are Coming Out of the Woodwork in California, New York".


  1. Have you noticed that the same people who can't speak three sentences without calling you and me Nazis are all in on extermination of the Jews?

    Not that I am surprised. We've all known who these people rae.

  2. "We should abhor the possibility of another Kristallnacht"

    What's the old saying...what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander?
    Would the anti-semites be okay with a Kristallnacht for them, too?

  3. It could well happen. What we've seen over the last couple of weeks concerning the outspoken anti-Semitism on college campuses, plus some very disturbing poll information, illustrates a need for the moral re-education of a vast segment of the American population - and we may have to break their stuff, and perhaps a few heads, to get their attention.

    1. It will be like the old "taking a two by four to a mule". There are a lot of mules out there.
