Wednesday, October 25, 2023

What. A. Surprise.

"Oh, So That's Who Funded the Pro-Hamas 'Insurrectionists' on Capitol Hill".

George Soros wants to score as many brownie points with the Devil as he can before he takes the Last Elevator Ride Down.

"Plenty of office space here, George. Pick out something nice for yourself."


  1. George Soros is one of those people whose evil will live on long after he's gone. It will partly be in the guise of his son Alexander and the greedos who run his many "foundations", but mostly it will be in the unmitigated damage he has done his whole life long. He should not have survived WWII.

  2. Soros is the puppet master of many, including Iran's Ayatollah. It's just a theory, but seems plausible.
