Friday, October 20, 2023

What moral preening looks like...

...when you're short on morality but long on stupidity: "State Dept. Official Quits Over Aid to Israel".

Ok, one down, how many thousands to go?


  1. The current rot began under Bush 43, who took great pains to assure the global Muslim community that the US totes loved them all to bits and that we were only fighting "terror."

    But it was Obama who actively recruited CAIR and Muslim Brotherhood into the government to help formulate and manage policy. The result is that we invited our own enemy into the house and gave them privileged positions, and thus the entire federal government is corrupt. Bad enough we have Marxist devotees of the Frankfurt School in power, but we also welcomed actual Islamists and handed them the keys.

  2. Yeah, when Bush started pontificating about that "religion of peace" horse s**t, it became obvious that he and his people were not serious about rooting out terrorism.

    And we've never had a president more alienated from America's traditions than Barry. The radicals and terrorists didn't even need to utilize Trojan horses, just walked right on in.
