Saturday, October 21, 2023

When even White House Press Secretary and mental midget Karine Jean-Pierre thinks you're an idiot...'s time to shut up and sit down: "Another Hilarious Angle on Biden Plane Gaggle Shows His Team's Desperation to Stop Him From Talking".

Biden is kind of like a Frankenstein's monster of stupid. The donks shielded this bozo from observation throughout most of his presidential campaign, working with the media to create the fiction that he's completely in control of his faculties, and now he's increasingly finding ways of breaking loose and inflicting his cringe-worthy behavior and mindless ravings on millions of tv viewers; even many of his, er, 81 million voters must be having buyer's remorse.


  1. In a way I almost look forward to watching the handlers try to manage President Kamala. She won't be as passive as Biden, insisting that she is really in charge and trying to call the shots. I can actually picture Josh Kirby and her wrestling with the briefing book as they try to keep her away from a microphone.

    You won't be able to wave an ice cream cone in front of her and lead her away. In fact, the cabal (or more likely, loose coalition of shifting cliques) running things could very well decide to stage an assassination. Which will leave behind dozens of MAGA hats and some signed photos of Trump.

  2. You won't be able to wave an ice cream cone in front of her and lead her away.


  3. Stretch out the nap times, shorten the question times, and we might scrape through until Trump is re-elected.

  4. Maybe it isn't a case of stupidity but that he got the "Abby Normal" brain ala "Young Frankenstein".

  5. Frankly, I think he's working off of a brain stem, only.

  6. Clearly, more pudding is the answer. If Biden's shoveling it in, it's harder for him to talk.

    As a back up ... shock collars? Probably too obvious. Maybe one of those remote control sex toys used by that chess cheater? Although I'd hate to be the one to insert it.

  7. I think they should just create a Biden robot and upload some Artificial Stupidity - but not as much stupidity as the genuine article possesses; just enough stupidity to pass muster with Democrat voters (which is still quite a lot).

  8. A robot (even a stupid one) would still be better than Kackling Kamala, The Word Salad Professional.

  9. I despair for the country this coming year.
