Tuesday, December 26, 2023

And now, a word from our sponsor

Only the most cutting edge technology from Paco Enterprises!


  1. I used a similar phone (Not Radio Shack) in the early days of my civilian federal employment. I annoyed some people because I could access the office email (dial up, back then) while traveling, even in some remote areas. Clunky but viable.

    I also admit to still owning a computer similar to the one used by the boy at the end of the commercial. It has TWO (2) whole kilobytes of RAM. TWO!!, y’hear?

  2. Hey, if it works, that's all that matters!

  3. Ah, Tandy/Radio Shack! The heady days before geeks and nerds were cool!

    (NOTE: Geeks and nerds are not and never were cool, despite what the media and entertainment sectors pretend)

  4. I miss Radio Shack, even though probably 90% of the stuff I used to buy there I no longer need. It's just another part of my past that's now gone, like so many other things.

    1. Radio Shack still exists, just not in the numbers as in the past. There is one in our small town (Hondo, Texas), and one in Kerrville (50 miles north of us).
