Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Stack 'em up like cord wood, boys

"Israel Kills Top Iranian General In Syria".

Iranian-state media said that Reza Mousawi, a high-ranking Iranian general, was killed in a strike on the Sayida Zeinab neighborhood. Israeli airstrikes in Syria earlier this month killed two other Iranian generals.


  1. Cue the Muslim Brotherhood/ISIS/Iraqijihad/murderers of women and children to claim that Mousawi wasn't killed at all, nuh uh, really. Followed by screaming threats to annihilate the West in retaliation, like they need an excuse to keep up the terrorism.

  2. What's the NYT/WaPo take on this news?

    Selfless humanitarian? Loving father and husband? Open handed philanthropist?

  3. Just in case it hasn't been done yet, I declare open season on Iranian Generals.
