Monday, December 11, 2023

Brown shirt America

The natural sequel to Weimar America. Victor Davis Hanson opines.

At Hillcrest High School in Queens, New York, hundreds of students rioted on news that a single teacher in her private social media account had expressed support for Israel. Waving Palestinian flags, and screaming violent threats, the student mob rioted, destroyed school property, sought the teacher out and tried to crash into her classroom—before she was saved from violence by other teachers and an eventual police arrival.
The subtext was that the overwhelmingly minority students (whose school is ranked academically near the bottom among New York City schools) were acculturated to the racist reality that as the “oppressed” they were exempt from any punishment for hunting down their own teacher. As a Jewish (and thus white) “oppressive” supporter of Israel, she was reduced to, in the words an enthusiastic commenter on a Tik Tok video of the riot, a “cracker ass bitch.” And so the student pack tracked her down as if they were hunting an animal. The old Nazi youth gangs tried to kill Jews because they were not considered “white;” our new Nazis hunt them down because they allege that they are. The common denominator between the 1930s and 2023 is an unhinged hatred of Jews.

Considering that Jews were in the forefront of the civil rights movement back in the 1950s and 1960s, it must be a particularly bitter pill to swallow, to see the astonishing ingratitude of the people they tried to help (which is nothing new, by the way; it was there from the start). 


  1. I am beyond frustrated at the "shock" many on the left express at discovering anti-Semitism among their ranks. Great observation Captain Renault, here are your winniongs.

    It has been there in plain sight for years. Aside from casual anti-Semitism such as has existed for years everywhere, it is most firmly nested in two major blocs of the leftists coalition: the Muslims (no surprise) and the black supremacists. Neither group has ever made any effort to conceal what they think of Jews, and what they want to do about them. To feign shock now is nothing but willful ignorance.

    Lefties were always content to avert their gaze and shriek about ultra right threats, nearly always imaginary. It's no longer possible now that huge mobs of their own are swarming the streets baying for Jewish blood.

    Reminds me of Professor Fate's (Jack Lemmon) line in The Great Race when told to keep quiet about the iceberg melting:

    "Oh, of course I'll keep it to myself. [Leslie walks away] Until the water reaches my lower lip, and then I'm gonna mention it to SOMEBODY!"

  2. I see on Ace that the pro-Hamas crowd are attacking Persian Jews in LA now. I doubt the Persians will roll over like say NY Jews - counterattack may be coming, burning mosques next?

    I think it's only the Westernised Jewry who have all these ideals. If Israel really consisted of these Westernised idealists as people imagine it would have been over-run. But more than half of Israelis have no western ancestry, which sustains Israel's youthful vitality surrounded by enemies.

    The idealists meanwhile have always found reasons to blame others for the ingratitude of those they help, 'It's because of Trump!' Luckily Israel does not rely on them.
