Monday, December 11, 2023

I think I see the problem, Al

"Al Gore Says There is a Mental Health Crisis Around the World Because 'We Are Not Solving the Climate Crisis'".

Perhaps the real problem, Doctor Gore, is that you and your fellow warm-mongers keep whipping up fear of our imminent incineration, and it is that unsubstantiated fear based on irresponsible climate alarmism that is causing so much angst among our impressionable (and increasingly ignorant) youth. Just a thought.

"Listen to me! I'm not crazy! I'M NOT CRAZY!!!!

Actually, I think I've seen this movie before...


  1. Gore should have been clapped into a mental institution years ago.

    That he's still babbling to the media says much about the world today ... ... none of it good.

  2. “There is a mental health crisis around the world, I think that one of the main reasons for that is that young people look at the fact that we are not yet solving the climate crisis,” Al Gore said on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday.

    Translation: "My donations are drying up! Something must be done!"

  3. Three things I have to say:

    One, these people keep telling us that the climate's going to be in a century, when their models can't even correctly tell what the climate is today.
    Two, despite them having to constantly readjust their predictions (because the Science! is settled!) they always have the same solution - totalitarianism. No doubt due to the sterling environmental record of the USSR and the PRC.
    Three, these people claim absolute scientific infallibility and still keep getting caught falsifying their data.

  4. Three things I have to say:

    One, these people keep telling us what the climate's going to be in a century, when their models can't even correctly tell what the climate is today.
    Two, despite them having to constantly readjust their predictions (because the Science! is settled!) they always have the same solution - totalitarianism. No doubt due to the sterling environmental record of the USSR and the PRC.
    Three, these people claim absolute scientific infallibility and still keep getting caught falsifying their data.

  5. FAG and no, I'm not questioning his sexual inclinations.

  6. Al Gore should be as relevant as Keith Oberman by now. Why they are not is a mystery to me.
