Sunday, December 3, 2023


Turns out that some of Sports Illustrated's articles (and writers) are as fake as the boobs on the outfit's trans models. Matt Walsh talks about the magazine's use of AI, and the use of AI, in general.

It will be interesting to see how the disinformation police deal with what will surely be the explosive growth in sheer fakery that is bound to take over social media and every other means of information dissemination to which we have access as a result of AI. The singularity is closer than we think. I doubt that our fine betters, as Veeshir calls them, will be able to control events once the computer bots well and truly take over.


  1. I've long thought the CNN people were some sort of artificial human, so maybe Sports Ill-stated is just looking for a cheaper option.

  2. Oddly, your comment actually gives me a little bit of comfort. If CNN "people" really are artificial humans, then the AI programming must be seriously screwed up to come up with something like Brian Stelter; so, we still have some time.

  3. WaPo laid off 120 employees who took a buyout. They still need to drop another 120, so let's all watch with bated breath and keep them in our prayers.

    Even though no matter how hard we pray, some staffers will still remain employed there. Oh, and Vox announced some more layoffs. Wonder if the guy who wrote the article claiming that inflation wasn't the problem, high prices was will be among them?

    Nah. That sort of towering intellect will be the last one standing. He's obviously much more smirterer than everyone else there put together.

  4. I was reading something about the AI chat bot being specifically trained to be a leftist, so who's going to notice.

  5. I haven't paid any attention to anything the humans have been writing for a long time, so I'm not sure what difference it makes if they are all replaced by AI.

    I think I can ignore both.

  6. AI isn't the problem. It's the people who use AI for their own nefarious purposes that's the problem.
