Sunday, December 3, 2023

The dumbest thing I've heard today

It would be a work of Herculean proportions to put together a collection of idiotic statements uttered by members of the Biden administration (even if the mutterings of the Chief Vegetable were to be excluded), so I doubt anyone will attempt it; however, quite frequently some pea-brain will say something that illustrates such a profound level of ignorance and stupidity, especially astonishing because of his her position or area of presumed expertise, that the event needs to be memorialized.

Here is Secretary of Defense (God help us!) Lloyd Austin belching nonsense like an old steamboat with a rusty boiler, under speed, billowing hot smoke and embers: - "SecDef Austin Warns of ‘Strategic Defeat’: If Israel Isn’t Careful, Palestinians Might Support Hamas".

This blithering fool seriously doesn't know that virtually every Palestinian in Gaza (and elsewhere) devoutly prays for the extermination of Israel. and is thus already supporting Hamas and like-minded Jew-hating terrorist organizations?

How this country will survive until the next election is beyond me (how it will survive after the next election is a matter that I won't even try to contemplate).


  1. Never giving the commander an accurate and truthful intelligence assessment is the shortest path to defeat.

    So I'd like to say that Austin's intelligence briefings are slanted to support his obvious bias. But I'm more than pretty sure he truly believes that the Palestinians haven't decided which way to go since October 7th.


  2. How did Hamas end up in Gaza anyway? Why did the government there allow them in?

    Oh, right - Hamas IS the government there. Democratically elected too. By, ummm... the Palestinians.

  3. They're parading through our streets waving Palestinian and ISIS flags, breaking windows, beating people up, and occasionally setting fires, and Austin thinks they might support Hamas if the Israelis persist in their war of self-defense? It's pretty obvious he doesn't live on our planet.

    1. But the bubble is parked here in the beltway. He's a sheltered creature.

  4. So.... the b*tch is askin fer it is what he's saying?

    There are so many stupidities our fine betters spew that it's hard to figure out if they believe them.
    If this idiot believes what he said, he's dumber than a box of Bidens.
    If he doesn't, he's eviler than a box of Obamas.

    1. "Dumber than a box of Bidens" is gold! "Eviler than a box of Obamas" is great too!

      Watchable got for the Obama/Biden team?

  5. V: Yeah, that's pretty much what he's saying.

    "Dumber than a box of Bidens". I'll be lifting that one, for sure.
