Saturday, December 23, 2023

Fixing the Leaning Tower of Pisa

Sort of. Some interesting engineering responses to the sinking problem.


  1. Fascinating. The technique used for the tower is quite ingenious. The path to finding that solution is equally impressive; I shuddered when I heard that a committee had been formed. Clearly, no bureaucrats were on that one!

  2. Now if we could only find a way to correct the Leftward lean of the country.

  3. People were still allowed up in the tower when we were there in the 70s. Mr. H and our daughter went up, but I stayed on the ground with the baby. No way I was going up there, even if it hadn't been leaning.

    I wonder how they fixed the sag in the middle of the cathedral next door. It was quite pronounced back then, but from the modern photos, it appears they did fix it.

  4. We were there in the summer of 2022. Climbing that tower was interesting, to say the least. Descending was even worse. The steps have been worn down over 850 years!
