Saturday, December 23, 2023

People need to remember what Oct 7 was

The murder of innocents. Bari Weiss tells one story here: "Miracle in Hell: The Baby Twins Who Survived a Massacre".


  1. It's de facto anti-semitism the way people forgot it so quickly, but there seems to be some sort of vaccuum in the heads of ordinary people who support the Oct 7 attackers. Normally, seeing so much horror inflicted on especially young women would cause other young women to unite against the attackers. Because those young female victims could easily have been them.

    Old anti-semitism was based on Dickensian stereotypes, but these were just pretty girls grooving at a festival, and families.

    Misplaced 'compassion' by the soft-hearted is part of it. I saw many women of even my generation - grandmothers - supporting radical attempts to dismantle our Australian Constitution recently, because brown people are supposedly oppressed.

    Reminds me of a letter Unity Mitford wrote to her sister. She was in Berlin during one of the mass purges (Night of the Long Knives?) saw it happening outside her window, and knew mass murder was happening, but her response was (quote) 'Poor Hitler' because he supposedly had no choice but to liquidate so many.

  2. I know plenty of people who will be very sad and sympathetic with the victims of Oct 7, but they'll always add a "but" to their sympathy. Such people are extremely deficient in actual serious thought.

  3. That's why the blogger at the Spoons Experience labeled it, The War on (some) Terror way back in the early aughts.
