Saturday, December 2, 2023

If it isn't too much trouble



Stephen A Skubinna said...

You probably already know this, Sparky, but you don't need to actually say or do anything to mortally offend those people. Simply existing is enough to send them into a frenzy.

Gregoryno6 said...

Someone will find this offensive. Probably not at Paco Enterprises, though, so share it around.

Deborah said...

Funny stuff! That's what I thought Elon would say.

Veeshir said...

This post offends me!

That Elon Musk link offended me even more!

Paco said...

Simply existing is enough to send them into a frenzy.

Well, that's good, because I tend to be sort of lazy and didn't want to go to a lot of trouble.

Paco said...

Gregory: Hilarious!

Deborah said...

Just show em a MAGA hat, or Israeli flag. Heads will pop.