Thursday, December 21, 2023


That electoral juggernaut,  Joe "84 Million Votes" Biden, strangely seems to need a lot of special handling to ensure that he's the Democrat presidential nominee for 2024: "Democrats in Four States Including Florida, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Massachusetts Decide to Have Only Joe Biden on the Primary Ballot".


  1. I guess if you have to cheat him into a second term, you better make sure he's the only one on the ballot.

  2. They're gradually peeling away every semblance of a free and fair election.

  3. You know, back before the first Gulf War there were leftists praising Saddam, pointing to his 96% vote in the last Iraqi election. I never could figure out if they were actually serious or simply grabbing the most slender of reeds to slander the US.

    Today? Yes, I do think this is really the way these people think "democracy" works.
