Thursday, December 21, 2023

Is America now just a bloated carcass...

...that serves no purpose but to sustain the carrion eaters?

The Democrats are completely willing to see this country go to hell in order to expand their grasp on power. But in the end, just exactly what is that power going to get them? Bragging rights for the fall of a civilization? Their idea of a perfect world  looks a lot like hell, to me.


  1. We are no longer a nation ruled by law.

  2. That half of the nation that no longer accepts the rule of law (liberals) still wants the other half (conservatives) to obey the law, and be quiet.

    They need to be convinced that isn't going to happen.

  3. You're one a them stochastic terrorists, aren't you?

  4. If you don't use the facilities you can't be accused of putting kids in cages, and you avoid all that extra work of finding out details about the people passing through and where the kids are going.

  5. You're one a them stochastic terrorists, aren't you?

    Stochastic., no. I ain't the least bit twitchy.

  6. Even if all the illegals don't get the vote, their very numbers increase representation in whatever state they land in.
