Saturday, December 23, 2023

What the hell does that even mean?

"University of Minnesota Professor Calls to ‘Dismantle’ the U.S. to Fight ‘Colonization’ for Palestinians".

According to the professor, “It’s our responsibility as people who are within the United States to go as hard as possible to decolonize this place because that will reverberate all across the world.”
“Because the U.S. is the greatest predator empire that has ever existed,” she explained.

Another great example of a woke flake whose only claim to fame is that she has learned to parrot the pidgin Marxism she learned in college. Parents, if you're paying for your children to take this person's courses, you, and your children, would be better off if you just burned the tuition money in your front yard. 


  1. This professor has her bags packed and her ticket to Palestine is booked, right?

  2. So that bit in the oath about "Support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic..." was just BS, right? And of the tranny pedo drag queens on active duty want to weigh in? How about our politicians who swear an oath with similar language?

    Anybody? Bueller... Bueller?

  3. She's a injun, of the pow-wow type. No smokum peace-pipe.

  4. Professor of hyperbole.

  5. So, 'Hire the Handicapped' is still a thing?

  6. Yazzie said that her group wants the U.S. to get “out of everywhere,” including “Palestine” and “Turtle Island” — a name used by some Native American activists to describe North America.

    By which she means white people, because I'm pretty sure she herself does not want to give up her nice, warm home, plentiful food (very little of which will be corn pollen and mutton), fashionable clothes, car, TV and electronics, medical care, etc etc etc. People like her just recite the accepted leftist gobbledygook without actually hearing what's falling out of their mouths.
