Friday, January 12, 2024

A clear case of white supremacist Islamaphobia

 Oops! Never mind! "The Greatest Islamophobia Hoax in America Exposed".


  1. The fact that the media dropped this story as if it was radioactive tells you all you need know.

    Meanwhile, mostly peaceful mobs roams the streets and campuses, looking for Jews to assault. Mostly peacefully, I stress. And Joe Biden admires their passion.

  2. 'Eaton had been described as “that hippie guy” and “progressive”, an organic farmer who had posted a meme with a definition of “Amerika” that called it “the worst sense of the United States, ie imperialism, corruption and the global exportation of American culture.”'

    And then the kicker!

    'He appeared to be a Biden supporter'

    Oh, dear...
