Friday, January 12, 2024


Doing the job the feds won't: "Texas National Guard Seizes Control of Illegal Border Crossing Hot Spot; Blocks Feds From the Area".

There is an interesting constitutional question here: if the federal government, which asserts absolute authority over securing our borders, completely abandons its responsibilities and declines to do what it is legally required to do, can the state government step into the breach? Texas is clearly testing the proposition, and I hope the state prevails over the feds - "legally", if possible; in any event, definitively.


  1. And the next part of your question is: what do we do if (when) the federal government actively intervenes to prevent a state enforcing what is a federal responsibility?

    In other words, what if the federal government uses force to prevent its responsibilities being carried out?

  2. O/T sort of, I just finished watching The Sound of Freedom (blubbered like a baby through most of it). I highly recommend it, although it's not for the faint of heart. It made me question, once again, just how many fake "parents" are carrying children not their own across the border to hand over to pedophiles? And what is the federal government doing about it? I think we can guess the answer to that one.

  3. It's an interesting situation because border states and the Federal government share the border. I support the border stepping up when the Feds refuse/fail.

  4. Well, one might say Fort Sumter is a precedent, but I think that would be way off target.

    In point of fact, this may be a first for the books; the states picks up the responsibilities that the feds actively reject.

    So, I dunno.

  5. Maybe Lloyd Austin will call in from his sick bed and order up some A-10s or something. Let's hope not. Of course, Rep. Swallow-Tail is fine with nukes, as I recall.

  6. That's the big worry; the current federal "leadership" are a bunch of self-centered, insulated from reality, feckless clowns without any concern as to actual consequences. Most of whom would be concerned about collateral damage from, say, air strikes on American soil only if some protected group or wildlife were at risk.

  7. IDK, sounds like insurrection to me. Send the DOJ and the FBI to Texas, and start rounding'em up!

    And of course, it was Trump that instigated the whole thing, so put him on trial, too.

  8. Hmmmm .....

    To everyone freaking out that Texas Department of Public Safety has seized land from the feds, given the feds the boot and effectively declared war on the Biden administration's open border policies... let me educate you on the Constitution.

    Article 4, Section 4 puts responsibility on the federal government to protect the states from an invasion.

    The Tenth Amendment leaves the responsibility to the states if the federal government refuses.

    Texas is enforcing the 10th Amendment.

    Let's roll. REPOST for awareness!
