Monday, January 15, 2024

As I've said before...

...if I can't drive there, I ain't goin': 


“Targeted disabilities are those disabilities that the Federal government, as a matter of policy, has identified for special emphasis in recruitment and hiring,” the FAA’s website states. “They include hearing, vision, missing extremities, partial paralysis, complete paralysis, epilepsy, severe intellectual disability, psychiatric disability and dwarfism.”


  1. Shares in Greyhound look like a great buy.

  2. "Harrison Bergeron to the white courtesy phone..."

  3. Huh.
    We have the TSA doing security theater and the FAA and Boeing doing diversity theater.
    I used to say there had to be an ocean in the way to fly, now I'm with you.
    If I can't drive, I ain't going.
    We have illegals flying sans ID while airplane manufacturers and the FAA are worried more about DIVERSITY!!! checklists than competence.
    Yeah, if the planes don't fail or the pilots don't crash, the terrorists will get you.

  4. Well, I hope they're just planning to fill positions like office worker and janitor.

    “They include hearing, vision, missing extremities, partial paralysis, complete paralysis, epilepsy, severe intellectual disability, psychiatric disability and dwarfism.”

    They forgot dementia. If it's good enough for the White House, it's good enough for the FAA.

  5. Lately even the roads are hard to get around, especially NYC and LA with the proHamas protesters blocking them.

  6. Does this apply to Air Traffic Controllers? Will FAA be developing a braille radar screen for the vision impaired?

  7. I was watching a Matt Walsh video on YouTube yesterday, and he was talking about this very subject. He mentioned an organization that is dedicated to promoting careers as pilots among "women of color". It's called Sisters of the Skies - that's right: SOS.

  8. My father was a FAA flight service station attendant, which was a thing back in the pre-INTERNET days. Basically, he ran the control tower for a small airport, mostly dealing with weather reports and filing flight plans, but keeping an eye on the runway.

    When a bunch of air traffic controllers were fired by Ronald Reagan for going on strike, Dad cheered. Literally; we were watching the news as a family when that announcement was made.

    I'm certain that he's spinning in his grave about this.

  9. Unless you want to go overseas, nothing beats RV travel. Now that Mr. H is gone, my traveling days are pretty much over, because I would eat hot coals before I ever got on another plane. RebeccaH

  10. I'm still kicking around the idea of getting an RV. I can't remember, Rebecca, was yours a separate unit that you hauled with a truck, or an actual motorized home?

  11. It was a motor home, all of a piece. I've heard too many stories about campers hauled by trucks. The one drawback to a big motor home is that when you go out West, the wind can blow pretty hard over those prairies and deserts and makes driving more difficult.
