Monday, January 15, 2024

Projection deluxe

"IL Gov. Pritzker: Republicans ‘Are Trying to Take Your Freedoms Away’".

Other people choose their governors through an election process; I think people in Illinois just go noodling.

"Hey, I resent that remark!"

"So do I!"


  1. Illinois is so corrupt that I expect Pritzker was chosen by the donk machine, not elected through due process.

  2. The only way to save Our Democracy™ is to destroy it. Democracy™ is far too precious to be allowed to fall into the hands of the people. Because, what if they vote for people who are not Democrats?

    It's only a coincidence that both totalitarian states and True Democracy™ are always one party states. The time is coming when not being a Democrat will be a criminal offense.

  3. Jeff: I imagine so. I just wonder what his appeal would be to voters? I know, from experience, how some folks are bowled over by wealth, and they equate that with ability in all fields. But this guy looks like a giant skin-bag of mutant protoplasm. Kind of like Jabba the Hutt (with better hair).

    But, yeah, I guess the donk party brass like him because he can self-finance, and he's reliably insane, especially on cultural issues. He understands that when people talk about the "trans movement", they're not talking about trans-fats, right?

  4. Chicago. And a lot of corruption. That's how he got elected.

    I assure you, I didn't vote for him.
