Thursday, January 11, 2024

Because of course he does

"Rand Paul Says Mitch McConnell Plans ‘Sellout’ on Border Security".

The still-secret draft deal “is a sellout — it’s going to continue to allow illegal immigration ” because Democrats are threatening Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) with an aid cut-off for Ukraine.

McConnell is positively off the rails when it comes to Ukraine. It's difficult not to suspect some kind of major graft.

In any event, it continues to appear as if "the prevailing wind blows from Vichy". The rot needs to be cleaned out of the Republican party if the Normals are ever going to succeed in combatting the wilder fantasies and the constitutional crimes of the Democrats.


  1. Am I a bad person for wishing for a few more brain freezes when it comes to the Murder Turtle?

  2. threatening Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) with an aid cut-off for Ukraine

    So to get him to screw America, they're threatening payments to Ukraine?


    1. It's a Democrat twofer: screw Ukraine, and America. Remember their motto: "Never let a crisis go to waste".
