Friday, January 26, 2024

I don't think that's entirely true...

...but I'm gracious enough to accept a compliment when it's offered: "Mitch McConnell Says If Border Deal Fails That Trump Opposition Is To Blame".

McConnell's a conman who would gladly sell the Brooklyn Bridge to his own mother. I read somewhere that one excuse McConnell is using for pushing this bill is that it will give the Republicans leverage in future dealings with Schumer. 

If he honestly believes that, he should be ousted for gross incompetence. It's just as likely, however, that he's not really interested in getting leverage with Schumer (which he most certainly would not gain, anyway), because he actually agrees with him on a lot of the specifics of immigration policy, as well as on other policy choices.

"Ah, Mitch! You are an homme after my own heart!"


  1. Dear old Mitch might be surprised at the number of Democrats who are fed up with the border invasions.

  2. That's true. Once he figures it out, maybe he'll accept that open borders are a losing proposition. On the other hand, as a senatorial mossback whom the people of Kentucky unthinkingly return to office time after time, maybe not.

  3. Ahh yes, the old "we'll be in a better position if we surrender this time!" gag.
    I know it well.

  4. For whatever reason (although I lean towards corruption), Mitch is far too invested in the Ukraine fiasco to bend on the border disaster.

  5. Even if it did give them "leverage", you know they wouldn't use it.

    And you also know that the Dims wouldn't care. "Leverage, we don't see no stinkin' leverage."

  6. You know, Norway had abolished capitol punishment prior to World War Two. After the war, they passed a special law to lift the ban - for one and only one person - and then reinstated it.

    That one person? Vidkun Quisling.
