Thursday, January 11, 2024

I wonder if U.S. expats are having second thoughts about Ecuador

For years, I've seen Ecuador popping up on "listicles" of recommended foreign retirement locales for Americans. I've always thought practically anywhere in South America was a bad idea with respect to permanent retirement for American expats, simply because of the long, troubled history of the region, and the tendency of violence to spill across national borders. But, hey, I guess that "low cost of living" really grabs some people.

Anyhow, let's hope the government gets this under control in short order: "Ecuador president orders gangs ‘neutralized’ after gunmen storm TV studio".

Maybe Ecuador will have better luck battling narco-terrorists than Mexico and Colombia - but I wouldn't bet my life on it.


  1. I have long seen Costa Rica on the lists of expat friendly places. I expect most proggies look longingly at Cuba because hey, cheap rum and cigars and have you seen those classic cars?

    Plus, it's a Stalinist hellhole so bonus points! Just like East German with better weather!

    I spent much of my professional life overseas and had many coworkers who lived in the Philippines. A few in Thailand, at least one in Japan. Except for the latter place, the allure was cheap living.

    I always thought if I had to be an expat I'd like Singapore, but just like Japan it's a first world nation and thus, not cheap.

  2. Retiring to South America sounds great so long as you don't want a long retirement.

  3. Retiring to any place outside of the US because the cost of living is lower then here is a bad decision in the long run. Unless the retiree has roots in that country they will never fit in or be truly accepted, and things there can turn very bad very suddenly. When things turn bad American retirees will be prime targets. As bad as things may be here it's better than anywhere else. Just look at all the people from those countries risking life and limb to get here at all costs.
