Friday, January 12, 2024

I've noticed that the anti-Trump commercials being run on YouTube channels I watch have now turned into Nikki Haley ads

She's being held out as the best alternative to Trump by the NeverTrumpers - but she's not the prescription for a return to (or should I say, "creation of"?) a vigorous, combative Republican Party. Don Surber opines: "The unelecting of a president".


  1. What will be bad is if Trump picks her to be his running mate. I sincerely hope he doesn't do that.

  2. I'm with you on that. I think a female VP pick would be advantageous, but I'd rather see Elise Stefanik or even Tulsi Gabbard in that role. Both of those present some difficulties, but either would be better than Nikki Haley.

  3. True words, Paco. Let's face it. No matter who ends up in the running, we're not going to get a perfect candidate, but some are a whole lot better than others.

  4. There were anti-Nikki Haley spots on TV not long ago. My, how times have changed.

    Now that Christie has dropped out, Vijay should follow. What will happen to DeSantis as his poll numbers decline, and Haley's rise.

  5. Rand Paul just came out as being "NeverNikki".

    Good for him!
