Saturday, January 6, 2024

Ominous news

One of my favorite gun channel guys, Paul Harrell, announced that he has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. The following video - in which he makes the announcement, and provides some other unsettling context about a stalker - was posted about five months ago, and I somehow managed to miss it.

In this next video, Paul introduces his brother Roy, who will continue making content.

As indicated in the first video, Paul explicitly does not want advice or expressions of lachrymose sentimentality, so I will just wish him well and pledge to continue enjoying his videos, which I have done for years, finding them informative and liberally laced with his very appealing brand of dry humor.


  1. Sad news. But I think he's strong enough to deal with what comes.

  2. I had to look up "lachrymose", but I agree.

    Indeed, sad news. I hope he wins that battle.
