Saturday, January 6, 2024

Sunday funnies

 Dachshund beer courage.

"The accommodations here...hic...are terrible": "Accused drunken driver arrested after mistaking police station for hotel".

Another video clip from Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid (embedding not permitted on this one). It features a scene from one of my favorite Alan Ladd pictures, This Gun for Hire. And I really dig that Miklos Rózsa score.

From Powerline's The Week in Pictures.


  1. That could be the best Biden meme ever.

  2. I agree Gregory, it's funny cuz it's true.
    I love the last one, very good advice.

    Thise youtube shorts are highly addictive, I'll spend hours scrolling through every week when you post one.
    I assume they track the ones you watch because I get a lot of Larry Byrd trash-talking ones, Rockstar dog-talking ones and John Pinette comedy clips among others and pretty much no lefty nonsense.
    I just started seeing ones of this kid laughing at ancient conspiracy stuff after I watched one.

  3. My butt's been wiped!

    Was just chuckling till that one, that made me LOL. It's good to see Biden get the respect he deserves.

  4. Great links all, but the satirical videos are the best. Thanks for starting off my Sunday with a laugh.
