Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Polish PM comes down with a case of Bidenitis

"Poland Mini-Coup: Police Enter Presidential Palace to Arrest Former Government Ministers".

Just demonize your opponents. That way you don't have to debate them, persuade their followers, or otherwise get bogged down in the messy business of freedom. You're a beacon of hope to wannabe dictators everywhere, Joe!


  1. Just re-watched Gabriel Over the White House (1933) and this is the very plot, followed by executions.

  2. What a bizarre movie that is. It comes across as an American Fascist fantasy (and propaganda), but whether witting or unwitting, I'm not sure. Ominously, FDR is said to have held it in high regard.

    The scene featuring mobsters, who have just been condemned by a military tribunal, being executed by firing squad - with the Statue of Liberty in the background! - strikes me as an almost laughable exercise in unintentional irony.
