Sunday, January 14, 2024

Sunday funnies


Mulder and Scully - Simpsons version.

Know your history.

Let me have some of that!

Probably from the Eocene epoch, which is the last time Chicago paved this road.

From Powerline's The Week in Pictures.


  1. Bonus points if you can name all the aliens in Homer's line-up. :-)

  2. ET wore it better. Isn't DOCTOR Jill looking a little stoop-shouldered these days?

  3. Drunk squirrels and full rat splats. Only at Paco Enterprises!

  4. Moetown is hilarious.

  5. I second Gregory, I think the Ed G Rob and Raquel Welch scene is a wonderful find.

    In his later career EGR was paired with some fine actresses, but I didn't know this one.

  6. Bruce, that looks like a fun movie.

  7. V: That one made me chuckle, too.

    Bruce: Never saw that one. I remember another movie he made late in his career; who can forget The Cincinnati Kid?

    "You're good kid. But as long as I'm around, you're still second best".

    What a cast, incidentally: Steve McQueen, Ann-Margret, Karl Malden, Rip Torn, Joan Blondell - even Cab Calloway!

  8. Speaking of Karl Malden, did you know his parents were Serbian, and his real name was Mladen Sekulovich? He changed it at the beginning of his acting career after serving in the AAF in WW II, but regretted changing it, so you often here the name 'Sekulovich' used as a name for minor characters in many of the movies and TV shows he acted in.

    Your fun fact for today.

  9. Can't imagine why he wanted to change his name.

  10. Actually, it was recommended that he change it, so it was shorter to fit a marquee.

    And it's "you often hear" not "here". Brain fart, or old age, take your pick.
