Friday, January 5, 2024

The Epstein documents: here's what we know so far

At least, this is what the Babylon Bee knows: "10 Most Shocking Revelations From The Epstein Documents".

My favorites are numbers 4 and 6.

4. All the billionaires kept accidentally grabbing Bill Gates's boobs: Gates is rumored to be cooking up a new virus to get revenge.
6. Chris Christie was banned from the island after the "buffet incident": Rumor has it the island was never able to fully restock the kitchen.


  1. I knew 2024 was going to be weird.

  2. To me the most interesting thing is that Epstein and Maxwell were charged with trafficking to...

    ... well, nobody. Nobody at all. Why do you ask?

  3. Yeah, I would think that the people who actually did the dirty deeds ought to be charged with something, but what do I know.

  4. After reading this I felt that Gis Maxwell probably deserved her punishment:

    See how she took away the Swedish teenager's passport: kidnapping, trafficking.

    But it also begins to sound a bit like a cult, where victims were also perpetrators, like this Sarah Kellen.
