Thursday, January 4, 2024

Happy Feet Friday

Contemporary swingmeister Jonathan Stout and his Campus Five perform "Half Tight Boogie".


  1. OT but sorta on topic...
    A broadcast channel, Circle was a country western channel that was all in on pop-singers with a southern accent, recently changed to Outlaw, a western channel going up against Grit.
    It shows F Troop and Kung Fu, the original one, in the mornings as I'm drinking my coffee and surfing the 'tubes.
    F Troop is not Hogan's Heroes or Barney Miller funny, but it's funnier than most and a hate-crime a minute, which makes me laugh more now than then because back then we weren't so uptight.
    I've occasionally wondered if anybody would ever show either one anymore, happy to see them both.
    Kung Fu is as good as I remember, it's good philosophy which is a hate-crime these days too. Stuff like responsibility for yourself and control of your emotions (gasp!).

  2. F-Troop: Ken Berry (Capt Wilton) was a good slapstick stunt comedian, and Melody Patterson (Wrangler Jane) was only 17 and lied about her age. Larry Storch and Forest Tucker were of course brilliant.

  3. The pianist was notable in Stout's band. I'll bet that's what drew you to it Paco.

  4. I wasn't much of a Hogan's Heroes fan; could never wrap my ahead around the notion that if you spoke English with a German accent it was the same as speaking German. But I did like Schultz and Klink (and a couple of the others). A survey of actual police officers once named Barney Miller as the most realistic cop show, interestingly. F-Troop was a favorite. Particularly liked Larry Storch and Frank de Kova.

    You're right, Bruce; I'm a sucker for piano boogie.

  5. I got a bunch of F Troop DVDs in recent years, and I can watch Ken Berry's slaptsick stunts over and over. Like the simple tricks he does tripping over a wooden doorstep. There's a lot more skill involved than I would have noticed on TV as it goes past so fast. Berry was a dancer first, which explains his fancy footwork and balance skills. Born a generation too late unfortunately, as there was not much call for dancers in Hollywood in the 1960s.
