Monday, January 1, 2024

When it's a matter of life and death...

...people realize that bullets beat talk, hands down: "Hundreds of Israelis Are Panic Buying Guns".


  1. Oh no.

    This will only perpetuate the cycle of violence! Let's send David Hogg over there to explain it to them.

  2. Surprised at Townhall's editor for inserting the word 'panic' where the article talks of calm reasonable response.

  3. Add Hogg's ugly twin sister Megan Rapinoe to the passenger list, Steve!

  4. Bruce: I agree with you. I think it's just people acting with alacrity to make up for the mistake of being unarmed in the past.

  5. Bruce, Paco, you both have a point about "panic" versus "acting with alacrity to make up for the mistake of being unarmed in the past".

    However ... ...

    I volunteer at a local gun range, in a variety of tasks. Back in 2020, during the COVID fiasco and state sanctioned riots, our area went through a period of people arming up. While most people were pretty calm about the matter, there was a definite element of fear.

    What made it worse was that most of the people buying guns often had absolutely no experience with firearms in the first place. It was bad enough that several gun stores in the area *BEGGED* us to offer some kind of training. Often, people bought a particular pistol because it was all that was in stock. I personally witnessed some pretty ignorant (not unsafe) behavior in one gun store -- the lady had no idea what ammunition she needed for a pistol she had already bought.

    And when I helped coach new shooters (BRAND NEW SHOOTERS, I must point out), everyone of them was nervous. Not just about shooting for the first time, but for the reason they learning to shoot.

    It wasn't quite a panic. But it was pretty danged close to being one at one time.

    So while Israeli's are indeed acting with alacrity to make up for the mistake of being unarmed in the past, I've no doubt there's an edge of fear in their thinking.

  6. Israelis are finally giving more than lip-service to "never again". Better late than never.
