Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Working-with-your-hands Wednesday

Old school.


  1. Seems to go backwards? Technology CLEARLY retrogrades, depending the ebb and flow of "civilization".

    There's a lesson for these times. Not that I expect the idiots in charge would ever consider learning from it.

    That said ... ... the Antikytheria Mechanism is an awesome find. Bronze gears with millimeter long teeth? Wow. The artisans of that era were skilled indeed, and the scholars (scientists?) had a good grasp of astronomy.

  2. When I started college, I asked my parents for one of these, but all I got was a Texas Instruments calculator.

    1. TI? For shame.
      You realize that's just a Fisher-Price repackaged.
      HP is an adult's calculator.

  3. Pshaw! Where I come from, buyin' an HP was considered puttin' on airs.

    Btw, I've still got that old TI. In the late summer of 1973, when I was preparing for my first semester of college, the things were going for $99 - and that was a sales price. Of course, the price of calculators came way down over the next few years. I still remember the garish red display on the TI.
