Wednesday, January 24, 2024


Sure, great idea. But don't forget to lock up your liquor and your silverware (and your women, too): "Chicago-Area City Councilman Issues Challenge to His Affluent Liberal Constituents: Sign Up to Open Your Homes to Illegal Aliens".

For American Airlines, the hits just keep coming: "Excessively Farting Passenger Reportedly Causes American Airlines Flight to Turn Around".

I'll reserve judgment on this speculation, but the FBI does seem to be spectacularly unsuccessful when it comes to investigating actual terrorism - in this case, though, maybe it wasn't real terrorism; maybe it was a psy-op: "The Pipe-bomb Caper.

I am getting less and less inclined to cut any slack to Mitch McConnell for his judicial picks (or rather, for pushing the judicial picks from the list given to him by insiders): "Rep. Higgins: Stand Your Ground, 'The Feds Are Staging a Civil War'".

Good news: AI isn't all-powerful - yetFrustrated Customer Gets AI Service Chatbot to Joke, Swear and Trash Its Own Company – International Parcel Delivery Firm Disables the Bot Pending Reprogramming  (H/T: The mind is an unexplored country).

I don't know if the feds are covering up for her, but I sure hope they're keeping an eye on her (inner voice: you're kidding, right?): "Why Did the FBI ‘Disappear’ the Boston Bomber’s Jihadist Wife?".

So, big question: What's the remedy for the specific people whose rights were abused? "Canadian Federal Court Deems PM Trudeau’s Usage of Emergencies Act Against Freedom Truckers in 2022 ‘Unreasonable and Unconstitutional’".


  1. So, big question: What's the remedy for the specific people whose rights were abused?

    The tweet at the end says 'There is no award of costs'. I dunno, does that mean the Canadian government doesn't have to compensate the victims?

    What happens to Castro's son? Can they send him to Cuba?

  2. Sad that I can't dismiss the pipe bomb theory as idiotic conspiracy goofiness.

    But these days it's all too plausible. In fact, I'm inclined to provisionally accept it. Considering that the Feds can round up people who did nothing but stand in front of the Capitol building on January 6, their inability to make any headway on these pipe bombs smells like (I presume) Nancy Pelosi's taint.

    For that matter nobody knows who left a bag of cocaine in the most secure residence on the planet. Yeah, when they don't want to find out, there's nothing can can make them find out.

  3. Fidelito may be unseated in the next election, but there will be nothing else for him or his banker friends who froze peoples bank accounts and ruined their lives, without individual lawsuits or class action suits. Even then, they probably have immunity.

    The "leaders" of the Tucker's revolt are just finishing up their trial on various charges, but it's hard to say if the decision regarding the illegality of the Emergency law will impact it; maybe on appeal.

  4. I'd like to think that the FBI knows exactly where the Jihadi Wife is, who she's currently married to, and what they're up to. I'd like to think that. But ...
