Saturday, January 13, 2024


I didn't think Maine was particularly well-off, financially: "Maine Builds New Rent-Free Apartments for Migrants Paid by State’s Taxpayers".


  1. It's not, but it's a politician's natural inclination to spend other people's money.

    1. Isn't the inclination to spend other people's money the mark of a politician.

  2. True. The sky's the limit when it comes to taxpayer funds.

  3. I thought the good people of Maine were just itching to open their doors to migrant guests and all the accompanying cultural enrichment.

  4. Gregory: I think they must've thought they were getting Canadians.

  5. I could understand Canadians wanting to escape from Canada...but Maine?

  6. Well... consider that Maine keeps electing a Senator who is an actual Communist. Who got booted from a commune because he wouldn't do his work. And who never drew a steady paycheck until he was elected as Mayor of Burlington. You know, the guy who actually honeymooned in the old USSR. And who never had a word of criticism for the Soviet Union nor one of praise for the US (until the USSR's collapse and even the Western Left couldn't wish away the appalling human rights record and oppression there).

    So I dunno. Maybe there's moose poop in the water up there.

  7. Oh wait, no, Bernie's a Senator from Vermont... which I assume is not the same as Maine.

    Despite the paucity of evidence.

    1. Maine has clam chowder, oyster crackers, and the phrase "Ya can't get there from here". Vermont has Ben & Jerry's.

  8. I've been to Maine and Vermont. Couldn't tell the difference.

  9. Maine is the one with a rocky coastline, but they're mostly the same, kind of like West Virginia, but farther north.

  10. Correct tom.
    Except Mainers drive 20mph at all times, maybe 40 or so if they find a highway.
    My other car is a tractor! should be the state motto.

    Except Portland. That's not as far from Portland, Oregon as a map might suggest.
