Monday, January 15, 2024

Yeah, I'm thinking I definitely wouldn't want to be in Alberta when the power goes off



  1. Yeah, it's freaking cold up here in MT (-25 F this morning), Alberta isn't any better. Worse, with the commies trying to run Canada into the ground.

    1. Is that with the wind chill? Either way, that's too cold.

  2. Yet another reason to relocate to Paco Estates.

  3. Jeff: Time for the thermal underwear and the parka!

    tom: That's right! Buy a home at Paco Estates, and the only thing you've got to worry about is the occasional frond falling off a palm tree, and making sure you have enough vases for the gardenia flowers.

  4. It's bad enough being in Southern CA or Texas or Arizona without power.

    In fact, aside from maybe Hawaii I can't think of many places where life would be comfortable without it. And even then, not having electricity means shopping for food daily, unless you're a subsistence farmer or fisherman.

  5. I haven't had to use it yet for any appreciable amount of time, but I'm glad I bought a propane-powered generator, with a tank the size of a mini-submarine.
