Tuesday, February 27, 2024

And now, a word from our sponsor



  1. Accidental discharge impossible

    Maybe back then it was. But the quality of idiots has improved greatly since then, so that may not be true now.

  2. Classic case: FBI guy on the dance floor.

  3. Even more classic case: DEA guy doing a "firearms safety" presentation in grade school.

  4. The original definition of "accidental discharge" probably meant a mechanical failure of the weapon, such as if a pistol was dropped (a real concern with the original design of single action revolvers, and later on with first generation semi-automatic pistols).

    These days, accidental discharges of pistols is (IMHO) more likely because the trigger was caught in something, a real concern with Glock style pistols and leather holsters.

    Myself, I prefer to label incidents where the user didn't follow basic safety procedures as "idiotic discharge".
