Monday, February 26, 2024

Of course it's venomous!

"Dog walker spots rare — and ‘highly venomous’ — sea creature on beach in Australia".


  1. "Armed anemone", they call it. I hope it has a concealed carry license, because I don't see any weapons.

  2. I understand that some of the sheep Down Under are not venomous.

    But don't take chances. Anything not a biped or obviously a dog moves within your line of sight, go all Quigley on it.

  3. It was probably running toward the ocean to get away from the poisonous stuff inland.

    1. Agree. Poor thing must have missed the class on how not to get washed up, but at least it got the part about why to get home as quickly as possible.

  4. As a species, we used to be afraid of saber tooth tigers, monstrous big bears, packs of hungry wolves, marauding cave men not from our cave, and then we sort of migrated down to black bear mamas protecting their cubs, ambitious coyotes, starving cougars, and wild pet dogs. Not to mention the possums and skunks under the porch. Now we're down to weird jellyfish that wash up on the beaches, where they might bite you on your sandals.

    We either need to start wishing for SMOD or emigrate off this planet.

  5. RebeccaH, you left out misgendering, which I understand is literally genocide. Also, J.K. Rowling, who is literally genocide. And the existence of Israel, which is literally genocide. And Republicans, who are literally genocide. And straight white cis-males, who are... do I really have to say it?

    The world is a terrible and lethal place these days. Wolves? Sabre tooth tigers? Bears? Piffle. What are they compared to the literal genocide of some guy (and of course it's always a guy... white too, and straight!) on social media saying a thing you disagree with?

  6. Have you seen the picture of the Thugs feral hog, spans the whole tailgate of a truck, and they have taken over where the wild things are!

  7. stupid autocorrect... HUGE... I typed HUGE.
