Thursday, February 29, 2024

Because he's an immoral a$$hole

"Why is Biden pushing for an immoral hostage deal?"

Astonishing how the "Muh principles", NeverTrump crowd managed to wind up supporting, either directly or indirectly, a man completely devoid of any principles whatsoever (and, no, I don't consider the commitment to self-enrichment a principle).


  1. What a shock if Dirty Old Joe gets his way, when the leftist and Hamas supporters (but I repeat myself) find out how many of those hostages are already dead. And I don't think they'll like the stories those hostages who make it out alive will have to tell.

  2. And I don't think they'll like the stories those hostages who make it out alive will have to tell.

    As always, they'll blame everything on Trump and the Republicans, and then move on to the next thing!

  3. Trump is an obviously flawed human being. Biden is outright evil. But he's also stupid, so at least he's got that going for him.

    Look at the Democrats (not just in the US - look at every leftist party in the Western world). They are hotbeds of anti-Semitism. They try to hide it, pretending that they're really just anti-Zionist, as though that's a difference. But more than that, they are also hotbeds of racism. And for that matter, deeply hostile to Western Civilization and culture.

    Is every Dem voter a Jew hating anti-western racist? No. But every one is comoprtable voting for them. The same people who falsely claim that Trump said Nazis were "very fine people" will happily vote for those who want to exterminate Jews. And after that, wipe out or enslave whites and destroy civilization.

  4. "Trump is an obviously flawed human being."

    Every human is flawed. I'll take flawed like Trump over flawed like Biden.
