Thursday, February 29, 2024

Google never will, Mr. Green

"Google Still Doesn't Get It".

As I wrote last week when the Gemini image generator's biases were first revealed, Google didn't have to invent some Never Produce White Guys algorithm for Gemini's image generator. That's because Gemini's image generator was producing results based on the biases already built into the Gemini chatbot.
Google has a trust issue, blown up into the public consciousness in a way that pictures — in this case, pictures of black Vikings, Native American Founding Fathers, and Asian soldiers in a French WWI trench (see above) — make explicitly undeniable.

We are getting deeper into Big Brother territory every day. The ultimate weapon of the totalitarians is to make our perception of reality completely malleable. 


  1. It's not only Google. Watch any number of British-made historical TV series and be astonished at how many black people there supposedly were in the royal courts and armies (Truth: if there were any, they were servants, probably Indian or Middle Eastern, and rare at that). Look at today's TV commercials and try to find a white couple in any of them. Blacks, despite their smaller numbers in the general population, even crowd out other minorities.

  2. The problem is that the AI is working as designed. This isn't a glitch, it's the program following the parameters it was built for. It seems cartoonish, but, for example, if you ask who has done the most harm, Adolph Hitler or Elon Musk it ought to be a slam dunk.

    But it isn't. First, the AI tells you that it's a "complex and nuanced" question (no it isn't) then gives a "on the one hand; on the other hand..." analysis before concluding that hey dude, that's a real head scratcher and it's impossible to determine who is worse, Musk or Hitler.

    This is not a joke. This is the program doing what it was programmed to do. Goolge is corrupt, and of course so is their AI. Never forget that back when their actual motto was "Don't be evil" Google was handing over dissidents to the PRC.

  3. RebeccaH, I have noted from my very cursory view of TV ads that half of all couples are mixed race, and a third are same sex.

    I have my doubts that these are reflective of actual demographics. As a thougt experiment, how many generations can a population last if a third is gay? On the other hand, if half of all couples are mixed race, how many generations before everyone is the same racial makeup? And will that happen before or after extinction, given that a third of the couples will produce mo offspring?

  4. Mankind has a great ability to develop technology that can save people or make their lives infinitely better. But, that same great ability will probably lead to the destruction of mankind.

    There's a word for that, but it's ironic that I can't think of it.

  5. Reality is what our fine betters decide.
    That's been pretty obvious for a long time now.

    I mostly fear what happens when reality decides it's time to show who's in charge.

  6. Guys, it's just all about money.

    People talk about ideologies in the 1960s and forget just how important it was that women got equal wages in that decade. For the first time in history, all women could earn a living wage independent of male relatives, right after graduating from schooling.

    From that point, women started to spend their money in ways men could not have predicted. And businesses had to cater to the ever-evolving ever more exotic new fashions. Who was driving this constant need for more novelty?

    E.g, if pop music only catered to men, wouldn't we just be listening to the Allman Brothers and clones for the last 50 years? Glam rock, wtf was that all about? But if you wanted a girlfriend you had to keep up.

    So who are these adverts aimed at?

    But yeah, I agree about Google.

  7. Going beyond the ridiculous images, Google Gemini has now entered the field of creative writing.
    Matt Taibi was the guinea pig.
