Saturday, February 24, 2024

CBS: "What the hell is that woman doing practicing journalism?"

Catherine Herridge - an honest and objective investigative reporter - was among hundreds of employees cut loose by CBS. Was she simply a casualty of budget cutting, or was she uncovering too many embarrassing facts about the Biden family's influence peddling? And, yes, that's a rhetorical question: the CBS bosses have moved quickly to seize her notes and source information, which has led to a condemnation by her union: "Catherine Herridge Posts Important Update on CBS' Seizure of Her Files".

The mainstream media has been, and will remain, the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party and its many fellow travelers. Gonna be one hell of an election year.


  1. They took files with her confidential sources.
    I see a bunch of prosecutions coming up.
    It's what they do, and the GOP is complicit.

  2. Herridge was targeted for the crime of doing actual news reporting which did not reflect well on His Senility Joe Biden. CBS is getting lots of pushback even from the left now (are they finally realizing that "do unto others" isn't just a right-wing trope?), so we'll see how the story goes.
