Saturday, February 24, 2024

New to me

I had never heard of haint blue, although, supposedly, it's popular in the South (maybe it's all over the place, and I just never paid it any mind). 

"What is 'haint blue'? Here's why Southern porches have blue ceilings".


  1. I never heard of haint blue either, nor have I ever seen a porch (verandah, gallery, etc for the purists) with a blue ceiling. Of course, Texas, while considered part of the South because of its Confederate heritage, is not the Southeast.

  2. Next time I'm down in the older part of Southport, I'll have to walk around and see if any of the houses have this color. I'm thinking that this must be primarily a low-country thing, since I read elsewhere that the paint was made from indigo, which was grown on plantations back in the old days in the coastal plain.
